Saturday Is Mulch Day!
Or as I’d like to call it, the day it’s finally warm enough to spread mulch around. Ignore my roses because I did not prune them this Spring so now they look skinny and really tall. I’ll have to trim them off in a couple weeks. Late May is apparently the safe time to do so if you’ve procrastinated during Fall or Spring, HAH! I’m getting a lot of huge roses though. Hopefully they’d look healthier in the Summer months of July and August.
Anyhoooo, I love this Cypress Mulch Blend that we’ve got this year. I love the reddish brown color and the size. The ones we got last year from Lowe’s were too chunky. We got these ones from a local hardware store and was $4.99 a bag. I’ve used 3 and 3/4 bag worth of mulch covering these two spots in the front. Now they look more healthy and lovely for sure. How’s your Saturday?