Derek Ramsay Talks About His Ex-Girlfriends

Despite numerous very public breakups Derek Ramsay wants everyone to know that he believes in marriage. In a 3-part interview with MEGA Entertainment magazine the 44-yr old actor says he wants what his parents have who have been married for almost 50 years. Well, now that he’s declared new girlfriend Ellen Adarna as the one perhaps marriage is where they’ll be soon..someday..eventually. But first, Derek delved onto what happened with his ex-girlfriends Solenn Heussaff, Angelica Panganiban, Cristine Reyes, Joanne Villablanca, and Andrea Torres.

“I’m a hopeless romantic,” this much he admits.
So naturally, my first question to him was a very direct “Are you and her together?”
To which he readily says, “Yes.”

I hadn’t even taken a seat yet. I was only just approaching him.
Then we do the shoot, wrap up and then we sit down and I ask, “Do you want to get married?”

To which he answers:
“Most definitely. I want what my parents have. They’ve been married close to 50 years, you know, ups and downs. But at the end of the day, they are still together. They love each other very, very much. And I see that everyday. So I want that.”

“What I don’t understand is the bashing, and there’s a line in one of my movies. I think it was One More Chance, that said ‘Ang lalaking hindi magse- settle down.’ They think that’s really me,” Derek quickly adds. Yes, Derek Ramsey gets bashed for his breakups. It’s bad enough that he has to go through heartbreak, but to be labeled as someone who will never marry is hurtful to him because it’s simply not true.(SOURCE)


“Everything with Solenn and I clicked, it was just the wrong timing. We were both young. And ang pride ko with my dad because my dad wanted me to work for him. And I was like, “No, I’m going to find my own path. I’m going to do it my own way.” So, with Solenn, ang naisip ko, anong ipapakain ko sayo? Diba?”

Derek and Solenn were together four years and although they weren’t formally engaged it was like they were.

“A majority of it (our relationship) was long distance, actually. But we got through that. But, you know, she came back and she was a different person. And I was a different person. So we ended the relationship and we’re friends,” Derek looks back fondly.


“With Angelica, I guess we loved each other so much that when the breakup happened, and you’re hurt or you’re angry, you should be able to control that anger. Because a lot of things that maybe you don’t mean were said, that can really hurt your partner. And the stuff that was said about me really, really hurt me. But again, I guess what I learned is you just have to be understanding that you’re two different people. And you handle things differently.

“And, you know, minahal mo siya so intindihin mo na lang. So understanding is what I really learned from that relationship.” “Angelica, taught me so much. Yeah, she’s a very strong woman. She went through a lot in her life. Being in showbiz at such a young age, being the breadwinner. I admired that about her, bata pa lang she supported na her family. So that was something that really attracted me to her.”


“Cristine and I were such good friends. After Angelica, I stayed away for a while from women. Cristine came after. I dated Cristine because we were both coming from breakups and I don’t want to say it was a rebound (relationship). You see, I knew Cristine like the back of my hand, she would say the same for me. We decided to jump into a relationship together, I mean she has all the qualities, but we already knew too much. We knew too much of each other,” Derek says of that relationship.


“With Jo, there were moments, and it’s understandable, that she wanted to still be that, I guess, young beautiful girl that enjoys life. And I guess I was at that stage in my life na I want to enter the next chapter of being a little bit more serious about life,” Derek realized.

But Derek admits wanting to marry Joanne.

“It came across my mind, most definitely. I won’t be in a six-year relationship and not think of it. I’m proud that I love her daughter so much. I didn’t take the role of the father because the father of her daughter is a great father. Talagang tutok siya. But I was, I guess, the next thing to a father because they were both living with me.”


“Andrea and I, we met kami pa ni Jo, but it never entered my head na magiging kami ni Andrea. That came way down the road,” Derek clarifies.

As as fast that relationship happened, it also ended all so sudden.

“It was sudden. I don’t want to share all the details out of respect to Andrea and her family. They’re good people. That breakup was so sad and it shocked me, shocked my parents, shocked Andrea and really shocked her family. It shocked everybody around us because we weren’t pretending to be happy. We were and everything was good. Everything was smooth sailing, actually. Given we didn’t get to see each other for a while because of the whole COVID thing.” But it was a small fight, and it was nothing! I mean I don’t even call it a fight, but ended up turning into the end of the relationship. And I guess with that small little argument, that was actually, probably only the second during the entire relationship, that brought up some red flags that for me, sabi ko I can’t go through that again. And my guards went straight back up and I know myself when my guards go back up, mahirap na siya ibaba uli. Nababa mo na eh,” Derek explains.


Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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