#Autism: Sugar Is The Devil!!

Throughout the school year I’ve made breakfast for Emma every day. At nights she’d ask what she’ll have the next day. She’d never eat ’em all which made Chase happy ☺️🐕 but it became a routine. Her favorites being bacon, spam, corned beef hash(Filipino version), and cottage cheese. I made eggs, biscuits, toast, breakfast sandwiches, and sometimes with half banana. No/less sugar which means NO BOWL OF CEREAL.

Pancakes or Waffles are reserved during the weekends coz at least she’s home and we can manage her moods.

On her last day of school she was soooo excited to finally get to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast during her vacation. Specifically, Oreos cereal.

First day was Saturday she had a bowl of cereal…… by the end of the day she was on edge x 20 and my patience runeth over. This is the reality. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for social media.

After dinner..

Scott: Caine, take that bag of cereal home with you. Your sister doesn’t need it.

The thing is, we knew this. Sugar first thing in the morning sets off something in her brain. It ain’t pretty. She couldn’t enjoy doing things she normally loves because she’s angry and stressed out. Which is why we avoid sugar before she goes to school so she can focus on her school work and that she has a good day. She loves to bake though and if you’ve followed me for years you’ve seen plenty of our baking moments. That’s always an interesting factor. We let her have sweet stuff of course but it’s always in moderation and we’ve gauged the timing. Certainly not for breakfast during school days and definitely not too close to bedtime(9pm). Everything is off limits by 8pm. Oh she’ll sneak in M&Ms and extra cookie here and there and we could always tell 😅. She knows the effects of sugar on herself but like her Teacher said, she’s a kid, she’ll sneak it in there. 😬

And that’s how life is with #Autism is in our household. 🧩

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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