Saturday, February 15, 2025

New Year’s Eve 12 Round Fruits

It is a Filipino tradition on New Year’s Eve to have 12 circular fruits at the table to usher in the new year. The round shape is supposed to symbolize prosperity and fortune. 1 fruit for each month of the year. I actually can’t remember the last time I participated in this tradition. I did a couple of times but I can’t remember what years. Sine 2020 has been how it is, I figured it couldn’t hurt to do it. I mean. we’d be eating fruits for the first week of 2021 and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I have one of each: watermelon, orange, apple, pear, lemon, and pomegranate.


Grapes, kiwi, papaya, lime, and mango.

Here’s to hoping and wishing 2021 is much better than 2020. I can by cynical as the next cynical person but, there is that 5% of me that is always hopeful for positive things. HERE IT GOES!!!

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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