Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Turon de Leche (Banana Roll W/ Dulce de Leche)

I started craving for Turon(banana roll) last Sunday after watching a Filipino sitcom, Tweets For My Sweet, featuring my favorite and very much-loved Fil-Spanish actress Marian Rivera. Turon is Filipino dessert treat which is basically plantain bananas rolled in egg roll wrappers then fried. It’s a very simple dessert but with so much flavor that invokes childhood nostalgia.

I know I have a few egg roll wrappers left but I didn’t have plantain which in my opinion is the best kind of banana to use in making turon.

These my friends are called plantains. They have a much firmer peel and texture than regular bananas. They’re not too sweet which makes them perfect to lightly dust with brown sugar before wrapping, then fried then dipped in a dulce de leche sauce. Plantains are easily found in any grocery stores, sitting right next to the mangoes, kiwi, jicama, avocados, coconut, papaya, or other exotic fruits. I found these at Wal-Mart Super Center for .54cents each.

Last Sunday, Meg(Marian Rivera) made Turon de Leche which earned her and partner Lily(Sheena Halili), 3000 pesos($68.86) that was supposed to go in their business capital except Lily used it to pay an old debt from an old rich friend. So now, Meg has to make more Turon de Leche to sell to make more money so they could start their “Tweets For My Sweet” business. What’s the “Tweets” stands for? Well from the last episode, Meg came up with the term coz every time she’s having a dream, there are birds flying around, tweet tweeting. Not at all related to Twitter Tweets.

But, I’ve digressed more that I should have. Here’s how I made my turon de leche ala Meg Reyes.

Turon de Leche (Banana Roll W/ Dulce de Leche)


  • 2-3 large plantains
  • egg roll/lumpia wrappers (frozen section of any Asian stores)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips more for more turons
  • 1 cup light brown sugar
  • oil for frying
  • 1/2 can of condense milk (or more, depends how many you're making)


  • Peel the plantains, slice in half then slice again thinly, lengthwise. Put the brown sugar on a plate. Dip each sides of the plantain onto the brown sugar.
  • Place an egg roll wrapper into a wooden cutting board, lay 2 plantains slice. Place a few chocolate chips on top. OR, sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top of first plantain then top with another plantain.
  • Make some with no chocolate chips too. Or add slices of jackfruit instead of chocolate chips.
  • Roll the first fold over the bananas, then fold the sides, roll forward tightly like you’re rolling an egg roll. Brush the last fold with water before rolling completely. Repeat the steps for the remaining plantains.
  • Fry both sides, each of the turon in the preheated oil. Just about until the wrapper looks golden brown. Place the fried turons on top of a paper towel lined plate to drain the oil.
  • DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE: In a medium heat, pour half a can of condense milk into a pot. Stir until it’s thick but in pourable consistency. Don’t make it too thick.

Transfer the dulce de leche in a small bowl. Serve alongside the sliced turons.

Or, drizzle on top of a whole turon. It’s really up to you how you want to eat your Turon de Leche. Thanks to Marian Rivera‘s Tweets For My Sweet for the cravings and inspiration!

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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