Thursday, March 13, 2025

Back To School For Emma

So Wednesday was our meeting with school to re-enroll Emma back into Kindergarten. (If this is your first time in this blog or if you haven’t visited in a while, here’s the reason why Emma is now just going back to school). Part of her evaluation process to get into the Special Class is that she needs to be thrown in back to a regular class to determine what works and doesn’t work as they formulate a structured learning and environment for her. It’s all part of the process that’s going to drive me insane from worrying, stressing, and waiting for any phone calls.

Emma was really excited. She wanted to start last Wednesday and the school actually wanted her to start too. They were all just too eager to throw her back into the classroom. She’s in a different class now though with a different Teacher. From what I’ve observed last Wednesday, the class is a lot quieter and smaller compared to her old one. We decided that day to start her Friday instead. Her Teacher wanted to observe her very much but she wasn’t in school on Thursday so Friday was the agreed date.

Waking her up today was no problem at all. As soon as she heard school she was up. Getting her ready was a breeze too. She even let me fix her hair. Her excitement tells us how much she really wants to go back to school. Even during this in-between process she has expressed how much she wants to go back to school. There were even meltdowns about it because she’s really eager to go back. We just kept on explaining to her that we’re working on it.

So yah, basically, I was in la-la-land from 7:15am to 3:45pm. I cleaned the house and walked around carrying the phone in one hand and my heart on the other. The bus driver said she was fine when they were all at the playground today. Her Teacher didn’t send home any notes. But then again, her old Teacher didn’t send one either the last time and we just found out about her little trouble the following day which was the day we pulled her out. Emma was smiling when she got off the bus though. She didn’t look exhausted at all. She’s practically bouncing off of the wall here now.

There’s this weekend off then we’ll start again Monday. The reality of this evaluation process is that there are going to be good days and bad days. Teachers, guidance councilors, and whoever else are observing need to see how Emma functions during these good and bad days. There are going to be phone calls and days where Emma might be picked up. I’m holding on to her excitement about going back to school as an assurance that everything will be ok even though there will be not-so-OK days. Another thing is that because she’s not getting the face-to-face time treatment and floor work that she and I have been doing with our homeschooling, her work would seem really behind. I’ll just have to continue our own schooling a couple of hours in the weekends just to help with her progress. Her homework worksheets will probably have better outcome while she’s in this evaluation stage. But there you, it is what it is.

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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