Fun And Learning Day With Mommy Marian And The Kiddos
Parents and children can have a fun day and learn at the same time. Take for example Marian Rivera with children Zia and Baby Ziggy and their adventure for today. Although the learning part doesn’t apply yet for Ziggy he looks like had a wonderful time watching the tribal dances and reaching for those donuts. The Dantes children are certainly growing up too fast. Before we know it they’re in college, AHHHHHH! It is very important to always be present in their development and growing up years. That’s exactly what Marian and Dingdong have decided while still maintaining their respective careers. There have been plenty of changes especially on Marian’s part but when we see how Zia and Ziggy are growing up we totally understand and applauds Marian for everything she does. Of course, thank you Marian for sharing these beautiful photos with us.