Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Blogging About My May 5th 2020

I was just sitting here trying to do a quick research-reference for stuff I need to write about when I had an epiphany. I missed the times when I would just blog about how my days went. When I started an online journal back in the 90s when the word blog wasn’t invented yet, HAH. When things weren’t monetized so to speak. Therefore, I think I’m going to try to actually go back to those times. It can get tricky what with all the social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where we post micro-blogs of how our days are going. I do that quite a lot now yet still somehow miss writing longer ones in my blog. Anyway, like I said, I’m going to try my best to get back to the essence of my blogging again. Writing has always been one of my outlets for years which is why I still keep my website even though the social media platform is faster and more convenient. I just want to continue writing online and I suppose because I miss it, somehow.

May 5th 2020

The day started off as usual following the schedule I have for Emma’s homeschooling but a little bit more hectic because she had 2 Doctor’s appointments which needed to be done via video apps. Her first appointment wasn’t until 10am and the second was at 11am so we went through Health, ELA, and Math quickly. These are the subjects on her schedule during those times. Thankfully, they were short tasks so we didn’t have to rush too much. Actually, her school works are mostly 30-35 minutes long and with how I divided each subject into 1 hour interval she gets plenty of breaks after each subject that way she’s not too overwhelmed about any of them.

Her first appointment was with her Therapist. This was her second one ever since the pandemic started. The first time was done by phone but this time we’ve finally figured out the video app. Her Therapist wanted to see how she’s doing and at least get a feel of where her mindset is during this time. The second one was with her Psychiatrist assessing how she is, effects, changes, any occurrences while being at home, all that stuff. We discussed a solution to one problem that’s been made obvious while we’re doing this homeschooling thing. I’ve expressed a preference to a certain concern and the Doctor respected my decision and gave a solution so we’re going to try that. Both appointments went well and chances are we’re probably going to do the same method of attending the next appointment next month with the Therapist and in 3 months with the Psychiatrist.

After the meetings we went to pick up Emma’s lunch from school. This is a daily part of her schedule. The County is providing free lunch and breakfast to all kids under 18, 5 days a week and breakfast for weekends as well. It is important that we take advantage of this free lunch and breakfast provided by the State funding because if the schools don’t get as much response from parents the school will lose the funding and that would not be good for other kids who really need the food. Just FYI, this is all done by drive-thru. Lunch ladies and staff are out there handing out foods for 3 hours a day. We love and appreciate all of them. ♥️♥️

May 5th is also our 23rd wedding anniversary. My husband planned to order and pick up our dinner at one of our favorite Japanese restaurants when he picks up an order from another store which by the way happens to be my Anniversary gift but the order was not ready even though it said it would be yesterday. So, the Japanese food turned into home burgers and fries, 😅. It’s all good. During this time it’s better not to complain because things happen and what else can you do, really? I’ll just have to wait a little longer for my gift. It was supposed to be a surprise but he showed me what it is since I’ve been asking him for days ☺️. A few days ago he said it’s something I need to replace something I’ve had for years, older than anything I’ve owned which I’ve been wracking my brain for. It’s not a replacement for a husband for sure, HAHA! When he showed me the photo everything made sense. I’ll blog about it when it gets here whenever that is of course.

So, that’s how my May 5th went, how did yours?

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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