Julie Anne San Jose Wins Big At 33rd ALIW Awards 2020

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS goes to Julie Anne San Jose for winning 2 awards last night during 33rd ALIW Awards 2020. A much-deserved music recognition for sure. Julie Anne went home with Best Rhythm & Blues Jazz Artist and Entertainer of the Year awards. Styled by Melville Sy of Qurator Studio, Julie Anne looked gorgeous in her lavender gown. She shared her awards with her fellow members in the industry for continuing to work hard and rise up to make people happy. Congratulations, Again, Julie Anne! 👏👏

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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