Saturday, February 15, 2025
FamilyStyle & Flair

#Autism: Headbands Obsession

EmmaBoo is a little obsessed with headbands at the moment. One day she said, “so I could be trendy.” ☺️😍 The thing is, she doesn’t like anything touching her hair, EVER. As a matter of fact, brushing her hair is always a struggle. When she was younger I was always afraid one of the neighbors would call the Cops while I brushed her hair. I still am. It’s not funny but, it kinda is. I mean, just imagine.

Cop: we received a compliant. A child screaming her guts out from this residence.

Mom: Officer, I was just brushing my daughter’s hair.

Thankfully, no neighbors have called any Cops on us. Not yet anyway. *knock on wood* You should hear her when clipping her nails! 😱😨

So anyhoo, when she showed interest on putting something on her hair I thought it was cool. We searched Amazon for some and we found a set of silk with bows in different color. She really loved them and she just looked so cute in them. She loves them so much her Dad brought her more. Now she’s got a headband for each day of the month. Well, almost. She’s got like 16 headbands right now and it might as well be a full month. I might look for more prints because you know, might as well!

This Monday morning, she forgot to wear one and I just knew she was going to be upset about it that I knew the School would call. And right on cue, her homeroom Teacher did. I had to calm her down on the phone. 1 day with not wearing a headband is OK. So hopefully the rest of the day will be fine for her. I don’t know why I never thought of putting a spare in her bag as a reserve just in case. That’s going to be our solution from now on. When she gets home from school I’ll let her pick 1 headband to put in her bag that way she’s not upset when she forgets to wear one in the morning while she obsesses about missing the bus even though she’s never missed it once because the bus literally pulls in our driveway. But, that’s our Autism life here at Casa Wharton.

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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