Our Easter 2024

Our Easter weekend started with the Egg Hunt at our Church on Friday. A 7am sunrise service on Sunday with scrumptious breakfast. I was up at 4am and made Bacon-Spinach-Cherry Tomatoes Frittata(Use bacon). We went home for a few hours then back at Church for our Easter Worship at 11am.

Our Easter dinner: Ham with homemade honey glaze, homemade dinner rolls, sauteed green beans & cherry tomatoes, Emma’s favorite Mashed Potatoes, and my PERFECT FLAN! 😲🥰😍🍮 Oh, and I did 3 loads of laundry, folded and put away on the SAME DAY 😱😮. To quote my ever so eloquent Hubby w/ glorious hair, “And you didn’t even take a nap.” 😅😆👊👑 (I need that nap now though 🥱😴) I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday. Click each thumbnail to view photos.

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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