FITspiration For 2018 And Beyond: HOT MOMMA MARIAN RIVERA
I have to admit, the first two weeks of January 2018 have been hard for me. I have been so unmotivated to workout because of the weather. Yes I know, excuses. However, I am so glad I danced for 1 hour and 30 minutes yesterday because if I didn’t, I’d feel so down after seeing Marian Rivera’s new photos. ALAS, more than ever, she has inspired me to start 2018 much better. I mean, HELLO!
People often wonder how Marian achieves this form because she’s not like other artistas who keep posting their exercise videos on social media. They tend to forget that Marian has always been good in taking care of herself, may that be with exercise and self-care maintenance. She’s a foodie and loves to cook but she eats clean and moderately. She’s also a dancer, lest’ we forget that. I don’t know about you but this certified Hot Momma is definitely giving me all the motivation I need.