Tattoo Number 3: Mama’s Name And Her Favorite Flower
10 years after I got my second tattoo done I’ve finally got the tattoo I have been wanting to get for a while. I knew that if and when I will get inked again it will be my Mama’s name which also happens to be my daughter’s middle name. My Mama died of leukemia when I was only 10 years old. It doesn’t matter how long it has been, you’d never get over losing a Mother(or any loved one for that matter). I miss her so much and think about her everyday. There are days when I wish I could call her just to talk to her, about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! This tattoo is obviously very personal.
I’ve looked for years on the kind of design I want and where I should get it. I came upon collarbone tattoos online and thought they looked unique and beautiful. I’ve had images on my phone of tattoo designs and 2020 I finally went for it. A simple cursive “melca” and her favorite flower with light shading of purple. My daughter’s favorite color is purple and my Mama’s favorite flower is purple orchid so there you go.
Now that I’ve gotten another tattoo I’ve got the urge to get maybe 1 more even though I’ve decided long ago that 3rd one would be the last tattoo I’ll get. But, Scott and I have something in mind that we both want to get so we’ll see in a couple of months or years, ☺️. I will take better pictures of this new one once it is completely healed. With that said, I LOVE MY TATTOO AND I LOVE YOU, MAMA! ❤️❤️❤️