Thursday, February 6, 2025

How Important Handwritten Notes Are?

With the onslaught of social media and convenient e-mailing process, sending out handwritten notes have become more important and special in my opinion. We need to do this more often or at least get back to it. Nothing beats receiving a personal and handwritten thank you card or a letter in the mailbox. I love receiving them and I love sending them out as well.

I have taught my daughter to write thank you notes especially after her birthday. It is imperative that she learns to be grateful to the people who made time to be at her birthday party and have generously given her gifts. Even if the note consists of only 3 sentences to say thank you for their presence and gifts. It’s the thought that she appreciated their attendance and gifts by taking time to write and send out thank you cards is heartwarming. I do the same even for small things. Sometimes I even hand out the thank you notes in person, mostly during Sunday at Church because that’s when I see most of our dear friends. I love seeing their faces light up just getting an envelope with a note. That feeling should never go away. The practice of handwritten notes should be practiced as often we could to take time in doing it and to teach our future generation to do the same.

When someone pregnant from our Church had her baby the members cooked food for the family. The new mom then sent us thank you cards once she was able to send them out. The COVID-19 hit our community the same way it hit others I’m sure. We all worked together to provide soups and any other kind of donations to help out with meals and whatever help they needed. Guess what, handwritten notes were sent out afterwards. Thinking about this cycle of act of kindness warms my heart.

I know, it’s so much more convenient to send out short texts or messages through messaging apps, on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram and other ways we could communicate through our smart phones nowadays. Hey, I am guilty of that too. More often than not, I catch myself while typing away on a messaging app then stop myself. Write a thank you note instead, my good Angel whispers to me. When you make that into a habit you’ll feel good knowing you made a friend or a family member smile when she opens her mailbox and receives a card or a letter from you amidst all the junk mail we regularly just throw in the thrash bin. A pretty colorful envelope with their handwritten name and address along with yours is always nicer than those junk mails, right? Give your mailings a touch of flair! There’s no need to settle for plain, boring envelopes anymore. Creating sticker cut lines in illustratorr, you can create custom sticker cut lines to showcase your own style and personality – say goodbye to pre-made stickers that don’t quite fit the bill and use to finish off any note, envelope, or journal. Make everyday routine more creative with personalized envelope decorations or note embellishments, transforming mundane tasks into an art form in just a few clicks.

I like going through dollar stores picking out cute thank you cards for my supply. Yes, I have a box of thank you cards ready to be filled with nice words to send out when need be. There are so many lovely prints to choose from. I get the sets with no written texts inside so I could write my own words. You want to know what else is cool? Writing my own thank you notes gives me the opportunity to write more using a pen. Oh, aren’t we all just so used to typing in computer keyboards and on our phones? It’s amazing how out of practice some people have become in writing with actual pens these days. Most people probably only write now when they have to issue checks or to sign a document. Imagine that. A handwritten letter writing service sounds interesting right about now.

Getting back to writing handwritten thank you notes or any note for that matter, might as well write a letter once a while too, is important. With all the available and convenient ways to communicate nowadays, the art of writing have become a personal thought for sure. I will continue to write handwritten notes and cards and I hope you do too.

Dexie Jane

Mother of 2. She drinks coffee everyday and wine on the weekends. She devours massive amount of chocolate, pork, and sushi. She loves to dance in her living room and binge-watches KDRAMA, historical dramas, and excessive unhealthy dose of Crime/Murder mysteries/dramas/documentaries. She's also a proud Bibliophile and loves being a bargain fashionista & SHOEHOLIC!

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