AlDub Nation’s Open Letters To GMA Network
FYI ADN, just to save you the trouble of writing open letters in the future, you can write as many as you can to GMA Network or anyone for that matter, if the DUB part of ALDUB doesn’t want to do anything, GMA Network can’t do anything about it unless you want them and her management to drag her while flailing and crying for workshops and at taping locations. I’m going to assume you will write an open letter about that too if that ever happened. What GMA Network can do however is make sure their contract star, which is Alden Richards, has a stream of work because they’re paying him to work, he LOVES his job, and it wouldn’t be fair to him as a passionate working actor/host/performer/endorser to keep on waiting for Maine Mendoza to decide when/if she’s ready to work. Or if she even wants too at this point. Like you all keep saying, she’s rich and she doesn’t need showbiz. PFFFTTTT!
Oh and one more thing, please run your open letters through a grammar editor before posting online. You’re welcome!