Back At It With #DanceFitness
After not working out for almost 3 weeks I finally got back into dancing yesterday, February 14th. OMG, the joy I felt being able to move again. Although I admit I struggled a bit because I am 45 years old and no matter how I scream at the top of my lungs that 45 is just a number, my joints will say otherwise, HAH! But I got through 1 hour and 30 minutes of dance. I wanted to keep on going but I had other stuff to do and people to call, all that jazz.
Anyway, I haven’t gotten back to Pilates yet. I’ve figured I’d start next month. I like to start on something at the beginning of the month. Some weird juju I’m always on about starting dates and stuff. For now I’ll finish the month of February with just dance fitness, walking, and getting off of my desk in between blogging. Thank goodness for chores to keep me active, right? By the way, I’ve been enjoying dancing to Shine Dance Fitness routines. It has brought me back to ballet and jazzy style of dance. I’m loving it so much and I’m burning A LOT of calories. Check it out yourself. Or my own Dance videos if you get the chance. I should probably record more dance fitness videos soon. Maybe next month. 💃