#IntermittentFasting: From 18:6 To 20:4
I’ve hit the dreaded and ubiquitous plateau in my IF journey earlier this year. I chalked it up to living it up during the holidays and was in total denial. Then I decided to do something about it. From doing the 18:6 I moved to 20:4 in March. It was soooo hard in the first 2 weeks but it got easier.
FYI, with 20:4 fasting method, I seem to crave more sweets. This might be different with other people though.
It’s important to know that results are OF COURSE different for different people. Stepping onto a scale is also triggering to some people and some fitness instructors are always saying that checking the scale constantly could start an unhealthy habit(which I agree on) but I’m also like a few other people who LIKES data.
My goal has always been a comfortable & manageable(FOR ME) 165. To actually lose a few more is the cherry on top. I’m still doing Pilates(sometimes with weights), walking, and dancing my heart out. With gardening season and Summer activities I am more active outside too.
PS: This is MY journey and results. Please carve your own and consult your Doctor and experts before you start any kind of regimen.